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Foundation Highlights

Since 2000

  • Over $14.8 million distributed in grants to nonprofit organizations and churches
  • Total Grants from Endowed Funds - $8 million

Fiscal Year 2023

Fiscal Year 2022

Fiscal Year 2021

Fiscal Year 2020

Our Stewardship
The Board of Directors of the Community Foundation of Burke County (CFBC) is focused on long-term investment strategies to ensure that charitable dollars entrusted to us will be available in perpetuity. CFBC works to maximize dollars available today so that distribution of resources can be invested in our community, as directed by endowment holders and the Board of Directors.

CFBC has worked to diversify asset allocation and set high performance standards for investment managers. The Board maintains a commitment to a total return investment philosophy, including a current 4.5% spending policy to ensure the ongoing viability of funds. Any investment return earned over the spending limit is added to principal, thus combating inflation, overcoming down markets, and growing endowments, all for the benefit of grantees.

Names of the Investment Committee, the Investment Managers and copies of the entire Investment Policy are available upon request.

Current Board Members
J. J. Fletcher

J. J. David Fletcher
Naomi W. Hunt

Elizabeth W. Andrews

J. Mark Rostan

John F. Black, Jr.
Chris T. Brittain
Richard L. DeAugustinis
John M. Heilman
Serina Hinson
Kelle B. Huffman
M. Alan LeCroy
Sara Black Moses
David A. Parker
David R. Wiese
V. Otis Wilson, Jr.

Board Members Emeritus
John T. Branstrom
William M. Brinkley
Cynthia H. Callaway
Phillip E. Church
J. Rountree Collett, Jr.
Sterling R. Collett, III
P. Paul Deaton
Elisabeth C. Ervin
John W. Ervin, Jr.
Le N. Erwin
J. Hugh Fletcher
Doris L. Fullwood
C. Michael Fulenwider
Susan L. Haire
Charles E. Horton
Jack B. Kirksey
James E. Lowdermilk
Donald J. McCall
Nettie M. McIntosh
Martha McMurray-Russ
Marcus W.H. Mitchell, Jr.
W. Harold Mitchell
Barbara C. Norvell
James H. Rostan
Susan C. Pollpeter
Diana Spangler-Crawford
Derinda P. Stiene
Benjamin S. Succop
Robert T. Turner, II
Edward D. Wall
Emily Williamson Gangi
Otto H. Woerner